Winners of the 2020 season

Winners of each challenge, the 15th of December 2020

Defect Prediction on production lines by VALEO

Predicting lung cancer survival time by OWKIN

Rakuten France Multimodal Product Data Classification by Rakuten Institute of Technology, Paris

PhotoRoom Object Segmentation from Synthetic Images by Artizans

Stock Return Prediction by QRT

NLP applied to judicial decisions parsing by Predilex

Predicting response times of the Paris Fire Brigade vehicles by Paris Fire Brigrade

Where will the next trade take place? by CFM

AI for Meter Reading by Suez

Metamodels to improve energy consumptions and comfort control in big buildings by Oze Energies

Dyni Odontocete Click Classification, 10 species [ DOCC10 ] by Universite de Toulon

Smart meter is coming by BCM Energy - Planète OUI

Predict sex from brain rhythms by Dreem

Asset production estimation by Kayrros

Prediction of direction of Bitcoin based on sentiment data by Napoleon X

Deep Hedging for an Equinoxe by Natixis

Wind Power forecasting for the day-ahead energy market by Compagnie Nationale du Rhône