Winners of the 2023 season

Winners of each challenge, the 15th of December 2023

Biosonar - Odontoceti Click Detection by Universite de Toulon

Can you explain the price of electricity? by QRT

Can you retrieve the Table of Content? by Autorité des Marchés Financiers

Colloids: How small can we go? by ESPCI Paris

Detecting PIK3CA mutation in breast cancer by OWKIN

ESG indicators missing value estimation by Pladifes

Few-shots to learn anatomic and oncological structures and in radiology by Raidium

How to detect a niche of fraudsters? by BNP Paribas PF

Precipitation Nowcasting by PlumeLabs

Prediction of daily stock end-of-day movements on the US market by CFM

Real-time train crowding forecasting by SNCF-Transilien

Reinforcement Learning for low carbon buildings by Accenta

Robustness to distribution changes and ambiguity by EffiSciences